-New Moon Scorpio-Friday November 1 st ~
Find your sun, moon, and rising below. If you don’t know these you can go to
I usually write about planting seeds for new moon.
This month I want you to look back at what was going on in your life the1st week of May when there was a new moon in Taurus on May 7th.
Think of tangible events and situations from that week. On the morning of this new moon, ask to be shown ways in which events from the first week of May unfolded.
Write down or note any serendipities you experience November 1st or synchronicities you notice.
KNOW that what you notice is connected to what will happily unfold over the next 28 days AND be healed.
Scorpio is a fixed, water sign and receives a bad rap for being unapproachable and unkind. In
truth, Scorpios are incredible loyal, intuitive, and healers.
~This month be loyal to your intuition and heal. Let it go to let YOU live~
Write your mantra on an index card. Here is an example of one person’s Sun, Moon, and Rising Signs with this month’s words. Aries sun, Scorpio moon, Pisces rising may write:
I find I grow and slowly listen in __________________________(add in situation from May)
This cycle, leave out what your write on your index card or wherever you choose to write it. Scorpio is often misguidedly said to be secretive.
Break through the misguided thoughts about whatever you wrote. See through the clouds OF anxiety which crearte confusion and HEAL.