The Breath You Aren't Breathing

Are you forgetting to breathe?

I have to admit even as a yoga and pranayama teacher there are times when I too forget to breathe. This past year, having a baby has drastically changed my meditation, pranayama, and yoga practice, both in time spent and frequency practiced. I previously thought I might incorporate meditation into breastfeeding, which I am currently laughing at as I write. Reality, or real life, can often present us with much less romantic truths. While I find I am not practicing in the way I previously imagined, I am creating a newer and more true experience which meets me where I am.  I find that I currently take my deepest breaths, the most conscious and full bellied, in the evening while watching our son take his bath. Why, I am not sure. Perhaps, it's the slowing down after a long day that takes me directly into my body and the power of my breath. 

Have you ever felt your practice change or shift?

Have you ever felt you did not have time or just forgot to practice, move, or meditate?

Have you ever realized you were breathing shallow, not using your full lung capacity?

Me too, almost every day, and so,  we created a free brief meditation to help us ALL get back on track. 


The Breath You Aren't Breathing

This short breath meditation is a reminder to come back to center. You only need 7 minutes to enjoy.
The Breath You Aren't Breathing Meditation at your leisure. We recommend this meditation for the end of the day, as a way to arrive back home to yourself.
We hope you find this brief meditation helpful, as the breath is one of the most useful tools we all possess, to de-stress, release, and be fully engaged in our lives. May we remember the power of our breath.

Updates and Opening Events

We are currently in a period of heavy construction to prepare for opening of phase one of our retreat space! The first phase will include three additional apartments and our state-of-the-art Yoga Shala! Stay tuned and subscribe to our newsletter for updates, announcements, and photos. Our inaugural event will be announced soon.  We can not wait to practice with you! 
Con mucho amor,
Meghan, Ryan & Satya

Meghan Tolhurst